Saturday, December 7, 2013

Presence of a Need

Presence of a need
By: Keith H. Seymour

You ask me what I want...What I need
that you and other who care about me,
can give.
Some present on a holiday, my birthday, or some other occasion.
I tell you....”I don't know.”
You reply lovingly: “take your time.
Except that what I told a lie.
What I want...what I need...What I can use,
can't be wrapped up in fancy paper,nice ribbons, or anything
you can attach
a store bought.... or even a home made lovingly made card.

No. What I need cannot be purchased, or given.
What I need comes from me.
It is a sense of self, the knowledge that I am appreciated for me.
I need to know that my contributions are worth something
Not just those of material value, for I have so little compared to most,
and so mush more compared to others.
No, I speak of contributions of self, because sometimes....
that is all I have to give.

What I need... what I someone
someone to kiss me good morning, and love me through the night
What good is all the materiel wealth in the world
if I have no one with to share it with...someone to become
part of me...The second part of a once complete
and now incomplete

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The unknown Fear


I was feeling so good, so wonderful!
Then all of a sudden,
this painfully horrifying fear...struck me.
It is a fear worse than one bought on by a nightmare
I am awake. So, I am scared...oh so scared!

It is a fear that makes me want to cry, but stops the tears.
It is a fear that makes me want to scream, but when I try,
no sound emits.
I cry and cry, scream and scream, but no tears and sound is released.
I know that I am afraid, and what I am afraid of is real.
I know it is definitely there. It even lets me know it is there and to be feared.
I just don't know what it is I won't reveal itself to me!
Therefore, I do not know why this fear exist.

Is it a fear of Justice or injustice?
Is it something I have forgotten... or recalled...but not yet aware?

All I know is that this unknown fear is there!
Maybe knowing this fear is present should be comfort enough.
Maybe not!

At least I can I-dentify it unknown fear.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

When I think of Our Sacred Love

When I Think of Our Sacred Love
BY: Keith H. Seymour
I kiss your lips hello, each morning
before I open my eyes.
Then when awake... your are not there.
When this reality appears... my heart dies.

I reach over to the night table,
where your smiling picture is adorned
by the beads of Holy Church and Holy Mother.
I then pick it up and kiss your smile,
knowing for are my Love...There is no other.
Each night, I pray Holy Beads for our eternally earthly union.
I kiss you goodnight, close my eyes, and for a few brief unconscious hours,
We are consciously together... eating tomatoes, and tuyo
Mahal and I dream of you, and you of me,
we happily cry.
For, I know you do the same of my picture and your Holy Beads
in your far away place.
As you close your eyes, and picture my true and faithful love for you,
that is so unmistakably... upon my face .

Your day is my night, my day your night,
and even though separated by thousands of miles, distant lands. and many seas,
we are joined together, by God given love... as our mutual keys.
Someday...and the sooner the better.
whether our eyes our physically open or closed,
we will mutually and concurrently kiss...when our Holy Beads and lives

by God are joined Together.