Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sighting...the Truth

Sighting...the Truth

BY: Keith H. Seymour

If we were blind...and touched

the other's

hands, eyes, face, or any other part....of our physical being,.

how would we know... the hue, shade or color

of the other's skin?


somehow... verbally.... revealed.

It is therefore, not what we see with the eyes placed within in head

that matters,

but the eyes from within... and that express our true selves.

The eyes placed within our hearts...our souls.

I do not know....whether or not there would be


fear, hate, prejudice, or war

if the world population suddenly lost the ability of physical sight

or even

If God in his wisdom, had never endowed mortals with this gift.

Therefore, forcing mortals to use the eyes from within.

I only know

that true blindness....comes not from loss of physical sight


The inability...or refusal

to see others and ourselves...using the eyes placed within

our hearts and souls

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