Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fear of Membership in an Existing...but Forgotten Generation

Fear of Membership in a
n Existing...but Forgotten Generation
BY: Keith H. Seymour
I was looking into the faces...wonderful and cheerful,
yet, somehow...sad, lonely, and forgotten, although remembered faces.
They are the faces of cognizant, intelligent, once...and even still productive faces,
that belong to people existing in an assisted living facility.

They are widowed, spinster,and bachelor
parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
People now single due to lost loves whose pictures...are all they possess,
who left them and never returned, or who never found that someone
who is supposed to be ...for everyone.
Still, they are alone...existing with others who may leave them... naturally

The children they loved, the adults they produced,
the living
friends, co-workers, and families who once expressed
the importance of how valuable these people were to them,
never visit, write, call, or communicate.
Even though they may live near by, of fly across the country
and even... the world for business... or some
luxury vacation.
These people now exist in some assisted living facility.
Therefore by people they once loved and still do
are no longer...a necessity.
I am.... outraged, saddened by this ingratitude...this lack of compassion.
Not only for them...but for me!
I fear... that when I look into the their faces
I may just see my future as a member
of a future existing.... but forgotten generation of people
that will possibly

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