Saturday, November 12, 2011



BY: Keith H. Seymour

Is it let the living go


they have


they dead...whom you have loved


never had to chance to, or were prevented from saying goodbye?

Is it easier to accept the differences of others

who are different....even... if they never accept you?


to deny....a known be accepted


a large group of people...who insist

the specific truth must be buried

for the world to be comforted....even if it is comforted with a lie?

I have felt alone... in a room full of people,

that claim to love and respect me.

Even though they do not understand me...and have never really tried.

I have felt alone... when nobody else was around to comfort me.

Yet, I have never figured out

which feeling of loneliness is worse


even if they are equal.

If God intended for mortals to know the answer to various questions,

why are some questions not answered when sought?

Will people ever know the answers to these unanswered questions?

If so, when? If not, why not?

It is all so...questionable!

Sighting...the Truth

Sighting...the Truth

BY: Keith H. Seymour

If we were blind...and touched

the other's

hands, eyes, face, or any other part....of our physical being,.

how would we know... the hue, shade or color

of the other's skin?


somehow... verbally.... revealed.

It is therefore, not what we see with the eyes placed within in head

that matters,

but the eyes from within... and that express our true selves.

The eyes placed within our hearts...our souls.

I do not know....whether or not there would be


fear, hate, prejudice, or war

if the world population suddenly lost the ability of physical sight

or even

If God in his wisdom, had never endowed mortals with this gift.

Therefore, forcing mortals to use the eyes from within.

I only know

that true blindness....comes not from loss of physical sight


The inability...or refusal

to see others and ourselves...using the eyes placed within

our hearts and souls

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ethnically Insulting....Ethnically Incorrect

Ethnically Insulting....Ethnically Incorrect

BY: Keith H. Seymour

There are those who say:

“Don't use the “N Word,” and dis-respect my race!”

Which causes myself

and others to wonder:

Why so many others do it as a pleasantry

to their fellow ethnic's face.

The Italians, Latinos, Polish and Mexicans do not

derogatate.... themselves

by saying thing like:

You're a really cool Dago, Dude. It's good to see you my fellow... WOP.

This is Paul my Pollock Pal.

Hey! How's my favorite fellow Spick?

Also, unless you want a fight,

you better have proof

that someone whose ancestry is of the Emerald Isle,

is a drunken wife beater-

before calling him an... “Irish Mick.”

So someone, please explain to me!

Cause, I just can;t figure.

How descendents of people who fought for their dignity,

do not see anything wrong

with greetings such as:

“Hey buddy! How's my favorite Nigga'?

Neither African-American's or in general,


will ever be free of

psychological slavery,

until we rid ourselves/... and others of such

ignorant mentality.

So, whatever, comedians, rap artist, and pop cultures does,

you make the final choice.

After all, they don't speak for you.

They don't use... YOUR voice.

Sunday, January 9, 2011



BY: Keith H. Seymour
I once heard a song...
what is now known
as the ...“Baby Boom Era.”.
The song's refrain,
I won't live in a world without love”
is oh still so clear to me!
So, I now wonder,
has that... same generation,
once known for proselytizing
this ideal of the world,
now exchanged
the values of love, understanding, and compassion
with those of
status, established power, and wealth?

I recently had a conversation with a longtime acquaintance.
An esteemed and prosperous old Black man,
A product of that era, and once known
to espouse...and live
the ideals of that song's refrain.
As we spoke of tragic events occurring throughout the world,
he suddenly
sincerely proclaimed:
Those people in the ninth ward of Louisiana,
those killed by Tsunamis, and those in poor wretched people in Haiti,
are all poor, desperate and lazy.
God gave them land to be productive and free!
It is because they aren't, they are are
, now
experiencing  God's wrath.
So, what has occurred, is as it must be.
Still, I will lend my aid to better their cause
because next year
it is a tax write off
for me.”

I replied to his words abruptly, with an overtly offending glare
True, people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
But what if they have no boots to wear?
Sure, if you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime,
but what if the source of that fish is poisoned,
and eating it
will not help sustain life, but rather...kill?
Then sir, I maintain that your proclamation
goes against...  GOD'S will.

Yes. I know, no true earthly Utopia will ever exist.
Yet, shouldn't we still strive to maintain ...a world in which
someone with an extra pair, will selflessly provide
the boots and the straps
to pull up and wear, and where people acknowledge
that poisoned fish is useless as food?.

No! I refuse to live in a world without love.
So the fact that I choose to remain...well it must mean
That somewhere in this world there still must be
others working to emphasize the greatest gifts
Faith, Hope, and Charity,