Thursday, August 15, 2024


                                                       **********                                  By Keith H. Seymour

                                 Trapped…. Yes, Often,  I Feel…. Trapped.

                                        Inside this un-gilded cage

                        Of this insecurity that makes me feel secure.

                            Yet, I know more is out there, and I want it!

                       Even  if it means giving up the security of seeking

                            What is unsecure, because it is unknown.

                                    Not only to me, but  to others.

                                     Others… continually claim

                It is safe and therefore logical to stay with what is known.

                       To stick with those who always… or at least usually

                                      live, think or look like me

                                      If all are created in God’s image, 

                then isn’t the world already a mirror image of you and me?

                       Why can’t people see that colors co-exisitng  in a rainbow

                       Is God’s message of our differences complimenting 

                                  EVERYONE…. Not just you and me?

           The constant need for everyone’s approval is what keeps many in society

                                            So Unfortunately…Trapped.

                           I want to be Free… Like the man who battled windmills

                               Because the eyes within his mind, heart and soul

                                           was real and honest and good.

                                  Those who doubted him used only exterior eyes

                                   So,  Could not see the greatest gift of three:

                                            Faith, Hope, and Charity.

                          As children our minds and hearts are open.

                             So, to save an unseen… imaginary fairy

                                  Our hands are collectively clapped.

                           So, why as adults do logic and proprierty

                                        Cause so many once free wills  

                             To avoid what is unknown and different 

                              Making them… so comfortably… and securely
